Posted 2023-04-12
What is the definition of "right"? Your body is a complex system with its unique features, and it is not easy to make it respond to your demands and react in the desired way. To achieve this, you must lay the groundwork first. For instance, if you aim to increase your muscle mass, you must establish the necessary conditions for your body to react appropriately and build muscle.
Eating frequent and regular meals that are rich in protein and contain an appropriate amount of carbohydrates and fats is what constitutes proper nutrition. It's important to have a balanced meal or a gainer with you at all times, otherwise your body will be deprived of the opportunity to grow. Eating and digesting throughout the day is necessary for optimal results, especially if you are taking steroids. Without proper nutrition, the anabolic effect that you are hoping for (which refers to a real increase in mass and strength) will not be achieved.
In terms of exercise, it's important to prioritize regularity (ideally 4 times a week) and choose the appropriate exercises. It's worth noting that when training with the use of performance-enhancing substances, the growth processes occur more rapidly compared to training without them, while the intensity of the physical load remains relatively unchanged.
The final aspect of this system, which is equally important, is rest. In this context, rest refers to the time spent outside of the gym, during which crucial processes occur, such as the recovery and growth of muscle mass. This process is stimulated by intense physical activity and a consistent supply of necessary nutrients. The whole process can be seen as a system, and only by strictly adhering to it for an extended period of time can the desired results be achieved. Before deciding to use performance-enhancing drugs, it's important to consider whether your lifestyle can accommodate the demands of this system.
The decision to use steroids requires careful consideration and once you have made up your mind, the most important questions to consider are which steroid courses are suitable for beginners and how long the first course should last. There are numerous schemes and tips available in both print and online publications to help guide you in making an informed decision.
We do realize that everyone's body works differently and reacts differently to drugs. Therefore, these methods and schemes should only be used as a basis or an example, and individuals should create their own individual schedules or schemes based on what suits them best.
The process of finding the right steroid cycle for your body can be time-consuming and requires experimentation. However, there are some universal steps that all beginners can take to ensure a safe and effective steroid cycle.
To achieve optimal outcomes, the recommended dosage of Nandrolone Decanoate is 200 mg per week. It should be administered in a single injection for six weeks, while using methandienone to enhance its effects. It is preferable to use Thai methandienone, as it is of high quality (provided it is not counterfeit). The dosage for methandienone is 3-8 tablets per day for 4-5 weeks. Continuing beyond this period is unlikely to produce significant results.
For beginners, it is advised to start with three pills per day (morning, afternoon, and evening) and gradually increase the dosage by two or three pills after 3-4 days until reaching the maximum dosage. This maximum dosage should be taken for two to three weeks, followed by a gradual reduction of one to two tablets per day until complete cessation of the drug. Combining these drugs can result in maximum results with minimum side effects. This will help to familiarize yourself with the steroid action principles and observe how your body reacts to them, enabling you to continue experimenting in the future.
Beginning with the misconception surrounding impotence, we should clarify that there are only two possible causes for the condition: psychological factors, which steroids have no effect on, and prostate adenoma. There are no other reasons for impotence that can be attributed to steroid use. If a man has a predisposition to cancer, then using steroids may exacerbate the condition and is therefore not recommended. However, if an individual is healthy, then there are no reasons why they should not use steroids.
It is important to use such medications responsibly and avoid abusing them. Overusing them can lead to certain side effects, such as the cessation of natural testosterone production and oligospermia. These effects are the outcome of improper use of steroids, but they can be reversed. The time it takes for recovery varies depending on the individual's body, with some needing more time than others to restore their endocrine system. However, it is reassuring that these side effects are possible to eliminate. Many individuals have experienced a range of side effects due to careless steroid use. They underwent treatment for about a year, and despite the slow recovery that required effort, they successfully regained their health.
Regarding the liver, only oral medications that have 17-alpha alkylated structure can cause harm. To significantly damage the liver, a person needs to consume an unrealistically large number of pills for many years. However, if an individual doesn't have any pre-existing liver disease, then they can safely use these medications. It is essential to use these drugs reasonably and not to exceed the maximum allowable doses, and not to take the medication for longer than 5-6 weeks. In addition, it is crucial to take breaks between courses. So now you know how to start and what to avoid doing.
Here is a suggested meal plan and list of healthy foods:
Let's now discuss the topic of vitamins. The term "Vita" in Latin means "life," which highlights the vital role vitamins play in metabolic processes. In modern times, even people who have a well-balanced diet can experience a deficiency of vitamins, especially athletes who require resources for complete metabolic processes. Taking the appropriate amount of vitamins is crucial, as an excess or a deficiency of vitamins can have harmful effects on the body. By consuming the right amount of vitamins, you can expect to see an improvement in your overall health, energy levels, and strength. Vitamins can be purchased at sports stores or any pharmacy.
Moving on to amino acids, the answer to whether they should be taken is a resounding yes. Amino acids are the primary source of protein production, which is the fundamental building block for muscle mass. Hence, maintaining an adequate amount of amino acids is crucial for athletes. Amino acids can be obtained from everyday food sources such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Additionally, you can supplement your diet with amino acid capsules.

Starting your steroid journey
In this blog post, we explore the definition of "taking things seriously" and provide fundamental guidelines for beginners wanting to start their steroid journey. These guidelines include proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. We also discuss the decision to use performance-enhancing drugs, which requires careful consideration, and provide tips for beginners on how to find the right steroid cycle for their body. We also address concerns about potential side effects of steroid use, including impotence and harm to other organs, and provide clarification on these misconceptions.Food for thoughts
What is the definition of "taking things seriously" and what are the fundamental guidelines for beginners? Our article covers these topics. The process is not overly complicated: starting with eating a nutritious and balanced diet, since as the saying goes, "we are what we eat". Additionally, proper training is essential, and it's also important to use free time wisely.What is the definition of "right"? Your body is a complex system with its unique features, and it is not easy to make it respond to your demands and react in the desired way. To achieve this, you must lay the groundwork first. For instance, if you aim to increase your muscle mass, you must establish the necessary conditions for your body to react appropriately and build muscle.
Eating frequent and regular meals that are rich in protein and contain an appropriate amount of carbohydrates and fats is what constitutes proper nutrition. It's important to have a balanced meal or a gainer with you at all times, otherwise your body will be deprived of the opportunity to grow. Eating and digesting throughout the day is necessary for optimal results, especially if you are taking steroids. Without proper nutrition, the anabolic effect that you are hoping for (which refers to a real increase in mass and strength) will not be achieved.
In terms of exercise, it's important to prioritize regularity (ideally 4 times a week) and choose the appropriate exercises. It's worth noting that when training with the use of performance-enhancing substances, the growth processes occur more rapidly compared to training without them, while the intensity of the physical load remains relatively unchanged.
The final aspect of this system, which is equally important, is rest. In this context, rest refers to the time spent outside of the gym, during which crucial processes occur, such as the recovery and growth of muscle mass. This process is stimulated by intense physical activity and a consistent supply of necessary nutrients. The whole process can be seen as a system, and only by strictly adhering to it for an extended period of time can the desired results be achieved. Before deciding to use performance-enhancing drugs, it's important to consider whether your lifestyle can accommodate the demands of this system.
The decision to use steroids requires careful consideration and once you have made up your mind, the most important questions to consider are which steroid courses are suitable for beginners and how long the first course should last. There are numerous schemes and tips available in both print and online publications to help guide you in making an informed decision.
We do realize that everyone's body works differently and reacts differently to drugs. Therefore, these methods and schemes should only be used as a basis or an example, and individuals should create their own individual schedules or schemes based on what suits them best.
The process of finding the right steroid cycle for your body can be time-consuming and requires experimentation. However, there are some universal steps that all beginners can take to ensure a safe and effective steroid cycle.
Here are a few tips for beginners
Using androgenic drugs is not mandatory. For beginners, the recommended first course should last for six weeks, during which they need to carefully monitor their health and body's reaction to the drug, and analyze it. Even with minimal doses of "soft" steroids, good results can be achieved if all the rules are followed. Nandrolone Decanoate is the first drug that is recommended due to its anabolic properties and minimal adverse reactions if not abused. Minimal doses of 200 mg per week are sufficient for good results. The drug is considered relatively safe because it is nonhepatoxic and has a weak effect on testosterone production. There is almost no rebound effect after completing the course, and power indicators are also maintained. Details on how to maximize gains will be discussed later.To achieve optimal outcomes, the recommended dosage of Nandrolone Decanoate is 200 mg per week. It should be administered in a single injection for six weeks, while using methandienone to enhance its effects. It is preferable to use Thai methandienone, as it is of high quality (provided it is not counterfeit). The dosage for methandienone is 3-8 tablets per day for 4-5 weeks. Continuing beyond this period is unlikely to produce significant results.
For beginners, it is advised to start with three pills per day (morning, afternoon, and evening) and gradually increase the dosage by two or three pills after 3-4 days until reaching the maximum dosage. This maximum dosage should be taken for two to three weeks, followed by a gradual reduction of one to two tablets per day until complete cessation of the drug. Combining these drugs can result in maximum results with minimum side effects. This will help to familiarize yourself with the steroid action principles and observe how your body reacts to them, enabling you to continue experimenting in the future.
Scarier than it sounds
It's possible that we have covered the necessary information regarding the recommended initial steroid, its dosage, and duration of use. However, it's essential to address the potential side effects, which is a common concern for many people. Are the rumors accurate about the harmful and irreversible effects of steroids that can result in severe illnesses? Some claim that using these drugs can harm the liver, cause impotence, and have a negative impact on the functioning of other organs like the kidneys.Beginning with the misconception surrounding impotence, we should clarify that there are only two possible causes for the condition: psychological factors, which steroids have no effect on, and prostate adenoma. There are no other reasons for impotence that can be attributed to steroid use. If a man has a predisposition to cancer, then using steroids may exacerbate the condition and is therefore not recommended. However, if an individual is healthy, then there are no reasons why they should not use steroids.
It is important to use such medications responsibly and avoid abusing them. Overusing them can lead to certain side effects, such as the cessation of natural testosterone production and oligospermia. These effects are the outcome of improper use of steroids, but they can be reversed. The time it takes for recovery varies depending on the individual's body, with some needing more time than others to restore their endocrine system. However, it is reassuring that these side effects are possible to eliminate. Many individuals have experienced a range of side effects due to careless steroid use. They underwent treatment for about a year, and despite the slow recovery that required effort, they successfully regained their health.
Regarding the liver, only oral medications that have 17-alpha alkylated structure can cause harm. To significantly damage the liver, a person needs to consume an unrealistically large number of pills for many years. However, if an individual doesn't have any pre-existing liver disease, then they can safely use these medications. It is essential to use these drugs reasonably and not to exceed the maximum allowable doses, and not to take the medication for longer than 5-6 weeks. In addition, it is crucial to take breaks between courses. So now you know how to start and what to avoid doing.
Part Two: Diet.
We neglected to cover nutritional concerns in the initial portion, but they are equally significant, and now we will address them. How should you eat to gain muscle mass? As stated earlier, a proper and consistent dietary regimen is critical since adequate nutrition provides the foundation for muscle growth. Experience has shown that to achieve considerable results, you should consume at least five meals each day.Here is a suggested meal plan and list of healthy foods:
- The first meal of the day should be eaten around 8:30 am and can consist of one potato, 4-5 eggs (cooked in any way), vegetables, and black bread. It is important to not skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day, especially for athletes. Overnight, the body's blood glucose level drops and in the morning, it needs to be replenished with food. Otherwise, the body will convert glycogen to glucose using special enzymes, which is not ideal for athletes as glycogen is needed to nourish working muscles. Eating frequently throughout the day can help maintain glycogen levels.
- The second meal should be eaten at 11:00 am and can consist of rice, chicken fillet (200-250 g), vegetables, and black bread.
- The third meal should be eaten at 2:00 pm and can consist of buckwheat porridge and red fish (250 g).
- The fourth meal should be eaten at 5:00 pm and can consist of ground pasta, beef, turkey, or lean pork (200 g), and vegetables.
- The fifth meal should be eaten at 8:00 pm and can consist of non-fat dairy products such as non-fat cottage cheese (200-250 g), milk, yogurt, or kefir.
- The last meal of the day should be eaten at 11:00 pm and can consist of chicken fillet (100-150 g), vegetable salad, and black bread.
Additional boosters
Nowadays, a wide variety of nutritional supplements such as gainers, protein mixes, and amino acids are available, but people often wonder about their role in sports nutrition. Can they replace regular food? What should you take and should you even take them at all? It's important to note that gaining muscle mass requires proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are naturally found in regular food, and supplements cannot fully replace them. However, supplements can be used as a complement to your regular diet. Depending on your needs, different supplements work best. If you have extra body fat, a protein blend that promotes muscle growth and fat burning is recommended. Protein supplements can be consumed in various ways, such as a substitute for a proper meal or in the evening. If you're not concerned about being overweight, a protein-carbohydrate mixture is the ideal option, with a 20-40% protein and 80-60% carbohydrate ratio. These supplements can replace breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and can also be taken before or after a workout. Ultimately, it's up to you to choose the supplement regimen that works best for your needs.Vitamins:
Let's now discuss the topic of vitamins. The term "Vita" in Latin means "life," which highlights the vital role vitamins play in metabolic processes. In modern times, even people who have a well-balanced diet can experience a deficiency of vitamins, especially athletes who require resources for complete metabolic processes. Taking the appropriate amount of vitamins is crucial, as an excess or a deficiency of vitamins can have harmful effects on the body. By consuming the right amount of vitamins, you can expect to see an improvement in your overall health, energy levels, and strength. Vitamins can be purchased at sports stores or any pharmacy.
Moving on to amino acids, the answer to whether they should be taken is a resounding yes. Amino acids are the primary source of protein production, which is the fundamental building block for muscle mass. Hence, maintaining an adequate amount of amino acids is crucial for athletes. Amino acids can be obtained from everyday food sources such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Additionally, you can supplement your diet with amino acid capsules.