300.00 € 380.00 €
10 x Sustanon (Testosterone Mix) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Bundle: 10 vials ( 100ml / 2500 mg ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Pentadex, Estandron, Sustaxyl, Gonadon, Hexadex, Induject, Sustamed, Sustanon, Omnis, Omnadren, Sustrone, Super-Test, Testosteron Mix, Sustanon 250, Sustaretard, Tetrasteron, Sustaver, Oreton, Testim, Androderm. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Information: Get Sustanon / ...
300.00 € 370.00 €
10 x Testosterone Cypionate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Bundle: 10 vials ( 100ml / 2500 mg ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Cyponit, Test Cyp, Testodex, Delatestryl, Tesamone, Cypionax, Cypionat, Cypiobolic, Testaplex, Testabol, Cyp, Testex, Cypio-Test, Testosterona, Cypoject, Cyte X, Tcypion, Testocyp, Testoxyl. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Info: Get Testosterone Cypionate (HB) 10 vial ...
300.00 € 370.00 €
10x Testosterone Enanthate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare ...
250.00 € 290.00 €
Testosterone Propionate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 100 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Testovis, Testolic, Testoxyl, Testosterona, Testodex, Propionat, Prop, Test Prop, TestP, Propionate, Testoprogen, Testpronate, Viro-Prop, TestoRapid, Propioplex, Testos-P, TestoPro, Propitrex, Virormone, Anatest, Testoviron. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Full catalog of products in our online store in the injections steroids category ...
45.00 €
BPC-157 + Bac Water Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
11.00 €
Bacteriostatic Water Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10ml/vial Info: Bacteriostatic Water for injection, USP, is sterile, nonpyrogenic, distilled water for intravenous administration after addition of a suitable solute. It may also be used as a dispensing container for diluent use. No antimicrobial or other substance has been added. Indication and usage: Bacteriostatic Water for injection, USP is indicated in the aseptic preparation ofparenteral solution. Dosage and administration: Following suitable admixture of prescribed additives, the dosage is usually dependent upon the age, weight and clinical ...
37.50 €
BOLDENONE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Dosage: 200 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Active agent: Boldenone Undecylenate Half-life: ~2 weeks Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 300-1200 mg/week Information: Boldenone, also known as equipoise is a steroid that exhibits equal anabolic and androgenic effects. The undecylenate ester enables to be administered only as soon as in a duration of 3-4 weeks thus very practical. It has excellent strength and does have quite a number o ...
45.00 €
Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Equipoise, Boldenone Undecylenate, Boldabol, Boldebolin, Boldebal, Boldesten, Ganabol Chemical structure: 1,4-androstadiene-3-one,17β-o Info: Boldenone is a molecul which is devoid of 17 alpha-methyl group (this part of molecule allows for Dianabol to pass th ...
44.00 €
Boldenone Undecylenate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 250 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate Active Half-Life: 8-9 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 250-1250 mg / week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Increase in muscle mass and strength Reduces estradiol levels Improves tissue regeneration Increase ...
45.00 €
Cut Stack (Cut Mix) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 150 mg/ml ) Contains: Drostanolone propionate (50mg/ml) Testosterone Propionate (50mg/ml) Trenbolone Acetate (50mg/ml) Full catalog of products in our online store in the injections steroids category or you can choose another product by going to the main page - rxbb.net ...
53.00 €
Cut Stack Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 150 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Trenbolone acetate 50 mg, testosterone propionate 50 mg, drostanolone propionate 50 mg Active Half-Life: 1-2 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 200-300 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Increase in lean muscle mass and strength Improves tissue ...
37.50 €
DECA (DECA-DURABOLIN) Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Dosage: 200 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Active Agent: Nandrolone Decanoate Half-Life: ~6-12 Days Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 300-750 mg/week Information: Deca-durabolin, the brand name of nandrolone decanoate is a super- hormone with very low rhythm liberation rates in body. It is alike testosterone and factually 1 steroid normal train for the addition of strong tissue along with stimulation Enemas weight from ...
59.00 €
Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron Enanthate) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Packaging: 10 ml/bottle (200 mg/ml) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids. Common names: Masteron Enanthate, Mastabol, Mast, Masteroxyl, Mastodex, Mastaplex, Drostaprogen, Lyxus Mast, Mastabolic, Drostanolone, Masto, Dromastanolone, Drostaprogen. Chemical structure: 17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one Enanthate Info: Drostanolone Enanthate, which should be more frequently known as Masteron Enanthate, is a long estered variant of Drostanolone. Drostanolone Enanthate is an anabolic a ...
47.00 €
Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 100 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Masteron, Drostonolone Di-propionate, Masteril, Metormon, Masterid, Mastisol, Permastril, Drolban, Drostanolone Propionate, Mastabol , Mastebolin, Dromastanolone Di-Propionate, Mastever, Mast-Depot Chemical structure: 17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one propionate Info: Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron ...
55.00 €
Drostanolone Enanthate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 200mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil base solution Active Substance: Drostanolone Enanthate Active Half-Life: 5-6 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 200-800 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Increases in muscle mass and strength Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood ...
47.00 €
Drostanolone Propionate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 100 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Drostanolone Propionate Active Half-Life: 1-2 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 150-600 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Increases in muscle mass and strength Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood ...
55.00 €
35.00 €
GHRP-2 Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Category: Injection Dosage And Quantity: 5 mg/vial Packaging: 1 vial Form: Powder Active Substance: Pralmorelin (Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2) Active Half-Life: ~2 Hours Classification: Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRP) Dosage: 250-500 mcg 2-3 times per day Information: GHRP-2 is a man-made peptide made to trigger the release of ghrp and raise insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1) levels. It acts like ghrelin, a natural hormone which induces appetite and potentia ...
35.00 €
GHRP-6 Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Category: Injection Dosage and quantity: 5 mg/vial Packaging: 1 vial Form: Powder Active Substance: Pralmorelin (Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2) Active half-life: ~2 hours Classification: Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (Ghrp) Dosage: 100-300 mcg 2-3 times per day Information: Ghrp-6 is a product from the prime pharmaceuticals for the synthesis of growth hormone in to our body. Before people even discovered just how good of a fitness solution it could be, machine train ...
15.00 €
HCG 1000IU (GONADOTROPIN) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Category: Injectable Dosage: 1000iu Packaging: vial of 1000iu Form: powder Active Substance: Gonadotrophin Active Half-life: ~ 5 days Classification: Chorionic gonadotropin Dosage: Men up to 1000iu /week Info: Chorionic Gonadotropin Human peptide, a synthetic form of HCG, mimics the natural hCG hormone present in pregnancy. It has diverse effects, potentially boosting testosterone in men, improving male fertility, and suppor ...
45.00 €
HCG 5000iu + Bac water Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
37.50 €
MASTERON PROPIONATE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 200 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive Agent: Drostanolone Propionate Half-life: ~2-4 days Category: AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid) Dosage: 200-400 mg/week Information: Drostanolone propionate is the primary name; however, some variations call it also masteron or masterone propionate and more commonly as mastabol. Moreover, it is reputed to be faster in terms of results as compared with other forms which therefore ...
35.00 €
MELANOTAN II Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 10 mg/vial Packaging: 1 vial Form: Lyophilized Powder Bioactive Agent: Melanotan-2 Half-life: ~33 hours Category: Peptide Hormone Dosage: 0.5 to 2 mg per day Information: Imagine an injection of cellular growth and replacement through your body, a magical juice peptide is at work when it heals. — turbo boost for everything we build which there are lots more to come! It is also loved by athletes of fitness levels because it allows to stimu ...
35.00 €
Melanotan II 10mg + Bac water Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
59.00 €
Methenolone En (Primobolan) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Package: 10 ml / vial (100 mg / ml) Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid Common Names: Primobolan Depot, Primobol, Primabolan, Primo, Nibal Chemical Structure: 17 beta-hydroxy-1-methyl-5 alpha-androst-1-en-one Info:This Primobolan Depot steroid is an anabolic steroid derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), composed of the active steroid hormone Methenolone and attached to the large ester Enanthate. Bearing a moderate anabolic nature and a fairly moderately low androgenic nature. Methenolone Enanth ...
55.00 €
Methenolone Enanthate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 100 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Methenolone Enanthate Active Half-Life: 5-6 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 100-800 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Growth in lean muscle mass and strength Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood ...
44.00 €
Nandrolone Decanoate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 250 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Nadrolone Decanoate Active Half-Life: 7-8 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 250-270 mg/week Water retention: Yes Aromatization: No Effects of application: Increases in muscle mass and strength Reduces joint-ligamentous pain Improves tissue regeneration ...
44.00 €
Nandrolone decanoate ( Deca ) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Drug class: Anabolic/Androgenic steroids Common names: Deca-Durabolin, Deca-Durabalin, Deca-Durabol, Deca , Decaneurabol, Metadec, Retabolil, Decabol , 19 Nortestosterone Decanoate Chemical structure: 19-Nor-4-androstene-3-one,17b-ol or 4-Estren-17beta-ol-3-one Info: Chemical name is 19 Nortestosterone. Anabolic steroid can be produce by human body after hard and prolonged physical exertion or during pregnancy and ...
37.50 €
NANDROLONE PHENYLPROPIONATE (NPP) Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 100 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive Agent: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Half-life: ~2-4 days Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid (Aas) Dosage: 300-600 mg/week Information: NPP is injectable anabolic steroid that works once it enters the human body which results to a rapid raise in nandrolone levels, with them peaking at about 24-36 hours after injection making shorterestered preparations optimum forgetti ...
45.00 €
36.00 €
Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 100 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Active Half-Life: 2 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 150-600 mg/week Water retention: Yes Aromatization: No Effects: Increases in muscle mass and strength Reduces joint-ligamentous pain Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amoun ...
36.00 €
Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 100 mg/ml ) Drug class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids Common names: NPP, Superanabolon, Durabolin, Durabol, Fenobolin, Nandrolone Phenpropionate ...
310.00 €
Ozempic 1mg Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk Category: Injection Dose and quantity: 4 mg per 3 mL (4 doses) Package: 1 pen Form: Liquid Active Substance: Semaglutide Active Half-Life: 7 days Classification: glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) Dosage: 0.25-1 mg week Water retention: rarely Aromatization: rarely Info: Ozempic (semaglutide) is a medication that helps in the management of type 2 diabetes. It is administered via a user-friendly, pre-filled pen use ...
40.00 €
PARABOLAN Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 75 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive agent: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Half-life: ~8-10 days Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid (AAS) Dosage: 200-600 mg/week Information: Parabolan, or trenbolone hexahydro benzyl carbonate is really a greatly powerful androgenic steroid that is very abrasive for its extraordinary muscle-building features mixed with strength improving results. Therefore, it is no wonder that bodybuilder ...
48.00 €
Parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 75 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Parabolan, Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Finbolan Hexa, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Trenboxyl, Tren, Androxine, Parabolic, Parabolic, Trenabol Depot, Trenabolic. Chemical structure: 17beta-Hydroxyestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one Info:Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate represents the dominant large ester based Trenbolone compound on the market. It was first released by the France base ...
60.00 €
PRIME RIPPED Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 150 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive Agents: Testosterone Propionate 50 Mg, Masteron Propionate 50 Mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50 Mg Half-life: ~2-3 days Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dosage: 100-750 mg/week Information: According to our info, prime ripped by prime pharma is one of the most comprehensive fat shredding products on the market! If you are someone looking to achieve your fitness goals and bodybuilding r ...
60.00 €
PP PRIMOBOLAN Producer: Prime Pharma Type: Injection Unit dosage: 100 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive Agent: Methenolone Enanthate Half-life: ~7-10 days Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dosage: 300-1000 mg/week Information: The good performance effects of primobolan (methenolone) are very comparable to the ones on muscle cells re-builder / overall body-maker. As it is useful for athletes, and they crave for good looking body condition so this compound builds quality muscle through mostl ...
80.00 €
Primobolan Depot Manufacturer: EuroPharmacies Category: Injection Dose and quantity: 75mg/ml Package: 15 ml Form: liquid Active Substance: Methenolone Enanthate Active HalfLife: 8-14 days Classification: AAS Dosage: 300-800 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Info: Methenolone Enanthate is another name for Primobolan Depot. This drug has a very interesting background in the world of anabolic steroids. It was made by a fancy drug company called Schering in the 1960 ...
35.00 €
R-HCG 5000 IU Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 5000 iu/vial Packaging: 5000 iu/vial Form: Powder Active Agent: Gonadotropin Half-life: ~5 days Category: Chorionic Gonadotropin Dosage: 500 to 1000 iu/week Information: HCG is your backstage pass to it, particularly for post-cycle therapy (PCT) in bodybuilding and sports. Results after anabolic steroid use or performance-enhancing substances For athletes who abuse these kinds of products, Clomiphene Citrate restores ovulation by getting ...
240.00 €
Somatropin 120iu Manufacturer: Optitropin Category: injection Dose and quantity: 10x10iu Package: 10 vials Form: powder Active Substance: Human Growth hormone Active Half-Life: around 2,5 hours (active-life around 24 hours) Classification: Polypeptidhormone Dosage: 4-32 iu/day Water retention: No Aromatization: No Info Human growth hormone has been known for more than 50 years to effectively treat con ...
37.00 €
Stanozolol Depot (Winstrol inj) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ampoules, 1amp/1ml ( 50 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names : Stanozolol, Winstrol, Winny, Winni, Winstrall, Winstroll, Stanabolic, Stanolone, Winstrol depot, Winstrol-V, Winstrol-50, Stanabol, Estanozolol, Zambons, Stanol, Azolol, Strombafort, Stanover, Nabolic, Stanozolic, Strombaject, Stromba, Menabol, Terabon, Cetabon, Tanzol, Neurabol, Rexogin. Chemical structure: 17 alpha-methyl-5alpha- androstano [3, 2-c]pyrazol-17 beta-ol Info: ...
37.50 €
PP SUSTANON Producer: Prime Pharma Type: Injection Unit dosage: 250 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Bioactive Agents: Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, Propionate, Decanoate, Acetate, Cypionate Half-life: ~3 weeks Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dosage: 250-1000 mg/week Information: It is great for the bulking cycle to fast away acquiring muscular tissue mass and strength. Sustanon is a mix of 4 different testosterones providing both rapid acting and long lasting release to give you th ...
38.00 €
Sustanon (Testosterone Mix) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Pentadex, Estandron, Sustaxyl, Gonadon, Hexadex, Induject, Sustamed, Sustanon, Omnis, Omnadren, Sustrone, Super-Test, Testosteron Mix, Sustanon 250, Sustaretard, Tetrasteron, Sustaver, Oreton, Testim, Androderm. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Info: Sustanon is an injectable oil based testosterone blend, developed by Organon. This product contains four differe ...
35.00 €
Sustanon Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 250 mg / ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Testosterone propionate 30 mg, Testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, Testosterone isocaproate 60 mg, Testosterone decanoate 100 mg Active Half-Life: 7-8 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 250-1000 mg / week Water retention: Yes Aromatization: Yes Effects: ...
45.00 €
TB-500 Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 5 mg/vial Packaging: 1 vial Form: Powder Active Agent: Thymosin Beta-4 Half-life: 2 to 3 days Category: Peptide Hormone Dosage: 2-2.5 mg per week Information: TB-500 is manufactured by euro-pharmacies as injections. The vial has 2 meq it is a long peptide hormone with half-life 2–3 days. The perfect weekly dose should be around 2 — 2.5 mg per ml. Usually takes 6 to 10 weeks this drug was originally developed to treat growth hormone de ...
57.00 €
TEST 400 Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies Category: Injection Dose and Quantity: 400 mg/ml ...
37.50 €
TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 200 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: liquid Bioactive Agent: Testosterone Cypionate Half-life: ~8 day Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dosage: 250-1000 mg/week Information: Testosterone cypionate is a simple form of the testosterone hormone in vial for self-injections, its dad to natures male provided & it get men out from little boys. Develops male traits, advances the synthesis of proteins for muscle growth; raises ...
35.00 €
Testosterone Cypionate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 250 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate Active Half-Life: 6-7 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 250-1000 mg / week Water retention: Yes Aromatization: Yes Effects: Increase in muscle mass and strength Elevate your emotional background Boosts libid ...
37.00 €
Testosterone Cypionate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Cyponit, Test Cyp, Testodex, Delatestryl, Tesamone, Cypionax, Cypionat, Cypiobolic, Testaplex, Testabol, Cyp, Testex, Cypio-Test, Testosterona, Cypoject, Cyte X, Tcypion, Testocyp, Testoxyl. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Info: Testosterone is the most potent, naturally occurring androgen that is formed in the human body. Synt ...
45.00 €
TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 250 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: liquid Bioactive Agent: Testosterone Enanthate Half-life: ~14 days Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dosage: 500-1000 mg/week Information: It mostly affects the development and maturation of sperm cells. It is well deserving of the popularity that it’s gotten for a long time and you can use it to treat any type of anemia, change nitrogen balance in your body (which makes acid wast ...
35.00 €
Testosterone Enanthate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 250 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate Active Half-Life: 5-6 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 250-1000 mg/week Water retention: Yes Aromatization: Yes Effects: Increase in muscle mass and strength Elevate your emotional background Boosts li ...
37.00 €
Testosterone Enanthate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 250 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Testobolin, Testabol, Testoxyl, Testosterona, Testodex, Enantat, Testoviron, Cidotestone, Testobilin, Enanthate, Test E, TestaPlex E, Enantrex, Enantbolic, Testofort, Testonova, Androfil, Nuvir, Asset-250, Menocare, Delatestryl Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-a ndr ...
29.00 €
Testosterone Propionate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 100 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Testovis, Testolic, Testoxyl, Testosterona, Testodex, Propionat, Prop, Test Prop, TestP, Propionate, Testoprogen, Testpronate, Viro-Prop, TestoRapid, Propioplex, Testos-P, TestoPro, Propitrex, Virormone, Anatest, Testoviron. Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one Info: Testosterone Propionate is a single ester testosterone compound and represe ...
30.00 €
Testosterone Propionate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 100 mg / ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate Active Half-Life: 1-2 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 150-450 mg / week Water retention: Low Aromatization: Yes Effects Increase in muscle mass and strength Elevate your emotional background Boos ...
31.85 €
TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Unit dosage: 100 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: liquid Active Agent: Testosterone Propionate Half-life: ~72 hours Category: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Dose: 400-1000 mg/week Information: Like other esters e.g. sustanon, cypionate and enanthate... Testosterone propionate is a quick release ester needing more frequent injections the ester is comprised of propionic acid, but it does include carbon retention and they do show the water bei ...
31.00 €
Testosterone Undecanoate (Andriol) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Packaging: 10 ml/vial (250 mg/ml) Drug Class: Androgens; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester. Common Names: Andriol, Androxon, Understor, Nebido, Testosterone Undecylate, Test Undecanoate 250. Chemical Structure: 17beta-Hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one. Information: Testosterone Undecanoate is a pure testosterone hormone attached to a large ester, ensuring a timely release. This product is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders as it can enhance overall performance. Its slow action fits almost all cycles and performance plans without signi ...
60.00 €
TRENBOLONE ACETATE Manufacturer: Prime Pharma Type: Injection Dosage: 100 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: liquid Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate Half-life: ~1 day Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 200-600 mg/week Information: The best bodybuilding product has established itself as trenbolone acetate 100 mg. It is powerful and gains you nice firm muscles eliminating tensed fat. This is just like a secret formula that mainly targeted at helping you in achieving appealing and sexy body. This p ...
46.00 €
Trenbolone Acetate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 100 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil base solution Active Substance: Trenbolone Acetate Active Half-Life: 1 day Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 150-450 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: increase in lean muscle mass and strength Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood Increases ...
52.50 €
TRENBOLONE ENANTHATE Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Dosage: 200 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate Half-life: approximately 2 to 4 days Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 300 to 800 mg/week Information: Put simply, this product binds almost immediately to receptors all over the body in muscle tissue making it an extremely potent 19-nor steroid devoid of any estrogenic or progestational activity! This is not a side effect at all, but ...
59.00 €
Trenbolone Enanthate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 200 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Enanthate Trembolone, Tren E, Trenabol , Trenabol Depot, Trenoid, Tren, Fina, Enantate Trienbolone, Trenaver, Trembolone Enanthate, Tren Ace Chemical structure: 17β-Hydroxyestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one. Info: Trenbolone Enanthate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is virtually interchangeable with Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate). All ...
55.00 €
Trenbolone Enanthate Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 200 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil base solution Active Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate Active Half-Life: 5-6 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 200-600 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: Increase in lean muscle mass and strength Improves tissue regeneration Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood ...
55.00 €
Trenbolone Mix (Tri Trenabol) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 150 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Tri Trenabol, TrenMix, Trenbolone Mix, Pharma Mix, Tri Trenaver, Trienbolone mix, Trienolone Mix, Trenbolone Blend Chemical structure: 17beta-Hydroxyestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one Info: Tri-Trenabol is an extremely powerful Trenbolone blend containing three active Trenbolone compounds mixed together in a single unit. Trenbolone mix was first developed in 2004 under name “Tri-Trenabol” by ...
49.00 €
Trenbolone Acetate Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 10 ml/vial ( 100 mg/ml ) Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids Common names: Trenboxyl, Trinaxyl, Finaject, Finajet, Trenodex, Tren, Tritren, Tranabol, Trenaplex, Trenoid, Finarex Depot, Trenatrex, Trebol, TrenaJect, Trenbol, Trenacet, Trenabol, Tren Acne, Fina, Para, Finaplix, Trienbolone, Finaplex. Chemical structure: 17 beta-acetoxyestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one Info: Trenbolone Acetate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid by many performance enh ...
55.00 €
Trenbolone Mix (Tri Trenabol) Manufacturer: Somatrop-Lab Category: Injectable Dose and quantity: 150 mg/ml Package: Vial 10 ml Form: Oil based solution Active Substance: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzilcarbonate 50mg, Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50mg Active Half-Life: 6-7 days Classification: Anabolic steroid Dosage: Men 150-600 mg/week Water retention: No Aromatization: No Effects: increase in lean muscle mass and strength ...
49.30 € 58.00 €
Turaxel Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies Category: Oral Dose and quantity: 10 mg/pill Package: 100 pills/blister Form: Oral Active Substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone Active Half-Life: 16 hours Classification: AAS Dosage: 20-40 mg/day Water retention: Low Aromatization: Yes Info: Jenapharm made turinabol, which is also called Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone or Oral Turinabol, in the 1960s as an anabolic steroid. It became famous because it was part of East Germany ...
109.00 €
Ultima Anomass 400 Mix Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
85.00 €
Ultima Bold / EQ Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
123.00 €
Ultima Deca 500 Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
58.00 €
Ultima MT-2 Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
90.00 €
Ultima Mix Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
62.00 €
Ultima Prop Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
95.00 €
Ultima Tren A 100 Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
114.00 €
Ultima Tren E 200 Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
118.00 €
Ultima TriTren 150 Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
76.00 €
Ultima Undeca Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals ...
45.00 €
WINSTROL INJECT Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Injection Dosage: 50 mg/ml Packaging: 10 ml vial Form: Liquid Active Agent: Stanozolol Half-life: ~24 hours Category: AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids) Dose: 50-100 mg/week Information: Winstrol (injectable morphine) derived from dihydrotestosterone, hence is well suited to muscle growth. This means that it is more anabolic and helpful to increase muscle mass while not being as likely to cause water retention, so this reduces the risk of gynecomastia in males(mal ...
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